it's been too long

I cannot believe that I have taken so long to write another post. I blame part of it on the end of an absolutely INSANE end of my Spring semester. Another part is due to moving home for a few weeks, then moving to the Providence house afterwards for the summer. Which leads to the third portion of my blame--I have no internet at the Providence house. So...I don't get almost anything that I would like to, done. And almost every time I have been on a computer with internet since (oh yes, reason #4--my computer is broken. AGAIN) May I have thought about how I need to post something. I was even told by someone who reads (shout-out to Kim Peine!! I am pleased to have at least one reader I know) that I needed to post again. So, finally here I am.

Things have been crazy. Since I love lists so much I'll make a quick one of some updates since the end of March (way too long ago!!). It's not like I actually have the time to do this when I do get on a computer, gosh dang it.

  • Service Week was a success!! It was a lot of fun. We did a pretty good job at combining everything for it and A-Week, and it ended up going pretty well. I would have liked to have a few more people come for the Litter Push days, but I cannot complain about what I did get. And the walkway clean-up was awesome!! So many people helping, it still looks a lot better than it did before. Maybe someday we'll get that fountain going again.
  • I passed all of my classes!! Okay, so it wasn't a massive concern that I wouldn't pass them, but there were a few grades I was on edge about. But it worked out! Thank heavens. I did well on my Copy Editing and Design final layout project, and my Research Methods project and class as well (I was a bit nervous about that one). It all worked out, and a learned A TON this semester thanks so some great professors and courses.
  • I have basically decided on BULGARIA for my study abroad. I am hoping to leave for Spring semester of next year--January through Aprilish. It will be an incredible experience. More details as they come.
  • I am doing A-Team again, and it has been great so far. We really don't have many more SOAR days from here on out, but we'll have Connections at the end of August, and I have Outdoor SOAR in 2 weeks!! I am way excited about that. More about that later, as well.
  • Michael's senior trip is next week and guess who gets to go.....yep. ME. And even better, guess where we are going...NEW YORK CITY!! I am absolutely thrilled. It will be Michael, mom, dad, Patrick and I. I can't wait!!! We are going to a Yankees/Angels game, the 9/11 Memorial, some Central Park tours, and maybe a show!! Woot woot. WAY more on that later, especially afterwards with all of my pictures I will take!
  • Conner was baptized on his 8th birthday this last Saturday, June 30th. It was so amazing. He was beaming for days before and after. My uncle Terry and his wife Colleen came from California a few days before, and went to his friend party on Friday to see a movie. I came down that night after work and then helped the next few days. It was so cool. I am way proud of him, and cannot even believe that it has already been 8 years since he was born!! Good heavens. What a kid.
  • Taylor's 11th birthday was June 13th, and that was fun. We went to Boondocks with free tickets my dad got, Shane and Grama came, it was a blast. He is growing up MUCH to fast.
  • Speaking of kids growing up--Michael graduated!! Yep, on May 29th (Mom's birthday) he graduated from high school. I truly can't believe it. He's my boy, my baby, the one who was brave enough to talk to people and do things that I wasn't, but also the kid I helped read to and lead through parts of life. He came to SOAR in early June and I have been helping him get ready for college. Absolutely nuts. I just can't believe it. He's coming to college, to USU with me!! Guess we'll see how it all goes. I hope he does well and remembers how loved he is.
  • Lauren ran a FULL MARATHON up at Bear Lake. Yep. She is amazing. I had work that day, but supported her through texts. What an incredible best friend I have.
  • I can't find a second job to save my life. Aw well. What do ya do? Keep trying and praying, I guess.
  • My mom turned...older. She would kill me if she knew her age was officially on the internet in a blog. Her birthday was good. I had to leave work early to be ready for work the next day, but I was glad I got to be there. 
  • I am both the Senior Feature Writer for The Statesman, and one of the Managing Editors with Aggie BluePrint this next semester. I am excited to get more experience with new things, and to get better at writing features! I get to work with some awesome people, in a great department at USU. I am very lucky for the opportunities I have.
  • I've made some amazing new friends on the A-Team and in my ward, I live with a great girl (Tori) in a house I like, I am dating a wonderful guy, I am pushing forward. Life is good.
Well, looks like I had a bit more time, and stuff to share, than I thought. Sorry my thoughts are so scattered. There is so much more to my life than this, but all of this is important to me. I am thinking about doing a picture post soon with shots from stuff I have done over the last several months. I also am working on something for Shane's birthday (which is while I am gone in NYC) but I will share more details after the matter, so that nothing is spoiled in case he scopes this out beforehand.

Thanks for reading :) More adventures will be coming up soon. You can never know what's gonna happen, right?


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