1 year

She's one year old.

She has learned to hold her head up. To nurse. To smile. To wiggle. To cry. To snuggle.

She has learned to roll. To giggle. To love. To reach. To hold. To nuzzle. To push arms out of a wrap.

She has learned to scoot. To sit against things. To dissolve snacks in her mouth. To grasp. To LOVE deeply. To want so many things. To be a presence in a room. To babble.

She has learned to sit. To crawl. To bite with tiny teeth. To make herself laugh. To LOVE everything and everyone. To smile at and interact with everyone around her. To dance and shake. To play with herself. To climb.

She has learned to stand up. To observe in the mirror. To lover herself. To kiss. To raise her hands. To wave. To chew. To hold things to stay up. To go to some people and not to others. To draw people to her. To love books. To enjoy being in the water. To love being thrown around with her dad. To look out the window in awe. To love every animal she sees.

She has learned to walk. To have favorites. To be afraid of some things. To shut doors and be okay in the dark. To point at things. To read books to herself. To only eat table food. To drink milk. To make monkey sounds. To high five. To clap. To run. To be nervous sometimes but very happy most of the time. To defy sleep. To throw her head back when things don't go her way. To throw. To gently touch babies. To usually give me things when I ask. To listen when she hears NO. To kiss the phone when FaceTiming. To be excited to just be alive every morning.

She's learned an infinite amount of things in one year. And there's so much more to come.


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