Adalaide M

You are everything I could have ever wanted. Without being able to imagine it before, without being able to know how you would be, the person you would become slowly in front of my eyes, I got exactly what I wanted in you. You have taught me how to have patience in moments when that makes no sense. You have taught me to be grateful for your grit, your push, your energy, even when it wears me out day in and out. You have taught me to stop and appreciate a moment that I will never have again because I know how only too well that you won't stop growing and changing. You have taught me to love and think about the little things, to wonder about why a bird is hopping down a path a certain way or how to hold a ladybug the right way, because those things matter to you. You have taught me to notice the details of life: the wrinkles of too-wet fingers, the crunch of toasted bread, the sound of a train blaring far away, the whiskers on a cat. You live to learn, and you learn in living.

I will never not be grateful for who you are. I have come to truly love each part of you: the intense, the happy, the emotional, the irrational, the intelligent, the contemplative, the playful, the silly, the serious, the kind, the careful. You make me want to be all the good things in the world, and more. I love you, sweet baby Ada. My forever first, and my current favorite. How wonderful life is with you in the world.


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