today with a babe

It still blows me away how quickly the days go. No matter what is — or isn't — happening for us, mine and the babe's days speed by.

Today was more or less the same [with a little bit more whining and clingy-ness than usual] with waking up [she did sleep in a bit finally—huzzah!! This time change is killing our mornings], a too-short nap and POOL TIME. I am already starting to mourn the loss of that perfect private pool in our complex when we move back to NC at the end of the summer. I think Ada is starting to recognize what the pool is and that we're doing the same thing most days there because instead of looking around to observe and warm up to the experience her legs were instantly churning and she was grinning her face off. We had a fun time, it was hotter today, and she liked to stand by the edge and play with the water around her legs, or sit on the lip of the fountain area and reach for the spouting flows.

We went back just in time for the guy to knock on the door to clean the carpets when I was pulling Ada out of the bath after she COVERED herself in prunes from lunch, and was whining hard in her I AM READY FOR A NAP mode. He was quick after I threw her into a diaper and into her command center and threw clothes, wet pool things, towels, dishes, everything into places out of the way. She went down after some fighting, and after getting up and down a few times finally slept for 2.5 hours while I did laundry and just vegged. We chatted with my parents on FaceTime [she's such a ham for them] then went on a much-needed stroll with the stroller, and after settling in, she loved loved loved it. The wet, humid heat felt just nice as we walked the complex and behind our building.

This is where a magic moment happened. She was sitting in her stroller and I walked around to face her and talk to her about the animals and green EVERYWHERE and saw a little ladybug on the canvas of her stroller right above her head. I put my head beside it and it crawled on, and I brought it down to her eye level. It didn't stay long as she reached out for it, but as it spread it's little black wings and took off, Ada's eyes got big and she watched its trajectory. She was clearly surprised and totally enthralled by the experience and it was absolutely incredible to watch.

Admittedly, I have often thought that parents of smaller children and babies are complete cheeseballs when they talk about how amazing it is to watch their children see and experience things in the world for the first time. I always believed it would awesome to see, but I thought it was an over-used cliche for parents to explain life with their child. But it really was awesome to witness and I can't wait to see it keep happening.

So much brings her joy: baths with her ducks [she's very into them right now], standing against anything, seeing her reflection in any surface, looking at me and being surprised, getting a treat, meeting someone new, being outside.

Raising a child is the sweetest experience and I love pretty much every moment, minus the middle of the night wake-ups. And even when I don't love a moment, I still love the little one sharing it with. The fact that she is growing up so fast just knocks me flat sometimes, but I love to just look at her face and work hard to permanently memorize and internalize and forever imprint it in my mind, at that very second, minute, day of my life. Of her life. Living her life with her is a gift. The best gift ever.


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