a bad day

We know they happen and that's just fine. But it doesn't usually feel fine when they do. Yesterday was an absolutely dreadful day, and it just kept getting worse. Why? I have absolutely no idea. 

It was one of those days where some crappy things happen, but overall, it was the feeling of the day that was what made it difficult. I felt not only useless but unproductive and unhappy. The baby was fine, but she is doing terribly with napping, so that wasn't fun to work on and deal with, but she was sweet when she did get some sleep and handled less sleep till bedtime pretty well. 

It's the days when you feel like all you want to do is get in bed that things have to get better or it's going to be very hard to get out of bed again the next morning. And things were already better by the time I got up again. 

Getting up for a ray of sunshine, even for a loud, screechy, unhappy one is a wonderful thing. And already, that ray of sunshine has spit up all over two outfits, pooped all over the bed, spit out all of her solid food all over herself. She has been grouchy with me whenever waking up, not wanted to nurse, not wanted to nap, and has been grumpy when I've forced her to do all of these things. 

Yet, today has already been a better today and Ada has already brightened my day a lot. 

Somedays are just hard.


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