favorite things

Some of my favorite things are...

her tiny hand gripping my shirt at the end of a feeding, with a gentle sigh to finish it all off

her content smile when she is being held by someone she loves loves loves

when she catches my eye across a room while she's held by her dad, or in her swing, or laying on the couch and she just breaks into a massive smile across her entire face

when she just talks to herself and does her morning stretches in her crib all while not knowing I'm watching, and then the instant smile and coo she gives when she sees me

her excited kicking and arm swinging

the way she buries her head into my shoulder and wraps her arms around my neck when she's so ecstatic and can't contain it

her uncontrollable giggling and laughing when M does something she thinks is hilarious, and the way she preemptively laugh-squeals when she knows he's about to do it again

her arms above her head as she sleeps *like a baby should*

when she lets me swaddle her gently and simply turns her head to the side and closes her eyes because she doesn't want to fight sleep

her excited kicking when she knows she's about to get fed

how thrilled she is when she gets to be naked

how much she loves me because I'm hers and she's mine


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