Monday, May 11: Maternity leave (nice tie-in to my learning about paternity leave last week. Who knew), and how the U.S. is one of the only nations IN THE WORLD without guaranteed maternity leave, sick days or vacation time. SERIOUSLY?? Also, more about the deaf community for a bigger article.
Tuesday, May 12: More on maternity leave, people not taking advantage of the money they could be getting from 401K accounts, and more on military families :)
Wednesday, May 13: The experience of military spouses and the life of having your husband gone more than he is home. Incredible women. Also, a little more about the Navy wanting to give more paid maternity leave to their women! YAY. And a bit on the danger of distraction while driving or doing anything else. Dang cell phones and "gadgets" (in the word of my interviewee).


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