bitter + sweet = what every human being in this world needs

It's been a strangely rough couple of days. Why? I don't know. Maybe that's what makes some of the hard days their hardest--we aren't really sure what it is that eats away at our soul, or why our heart feels a few pounds heavier or why climbing out of bed is just a little bit rougher than usual. We all have things to be grateful for. We're all SO blessed, every human being on the planet. But that doesn't mean it isn't okay to have a few rough days here and there.

Lately, I've missed some things of the past. Sometimes, I miss who I felt like I was while I was serving the people of Hong Kong (or while I was being served by them, is more the truth). I've missed the beauty of earlier days, and have had the tiniest of things remind me of things I've loved in the past, and sometimes worry are slipping away.

The sweet white-ish, pink-ish blooms on the tree outside of my apartment that throws me back to early spring mornings as a kid with my mama in our Salt Lake City backyard, gardening in the morning dew to avoid the hot sun.

A song I use to listen to with my dad while we cleaned the house on Saturdays growing up coming onto my Pandora, remembering exact and specific times we'd both sing at the top of our lungs.

Seeing the girl next to me in Institute prepare for her mission in a few months (4 months, exactly the length of time I waited from receiving my call), and remembering that strong, sure and slightly nervous person that I was, knowing and not knowing what I was about to do, all at the same time.

Hearing the song I would listen to when it rained at night in the summer, and remembering when things were what now seems both more complicated and more simple, in hindsight.

So many things. And really, it's that my mind is so full of so many things these days that I don't even know how to organize half of it. The drawers in my brain are completely overflowing, and it's all overlapping. There are bittersweet feelings going all around. And that's the thing, bittersweet doesn't=bad. It means something was bitter AND sweet. Good and maybe a little not-so-good. And that's okay. Cause that's what life it.

Life, right? No complaints. Just overwhelmed.

Thanks for listening.


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