2 weeks

Oh boy. I've been the worst blogger girl ever, lately, right?? Goodness. So, here we go with some new things I did or learned in the last little while.

Today, I went to a live session at the Salt Lake City temple for the first time, which was such a cool new thing to do with my parents and brother. But that isn't the only new thing that I tried...I got to see bronze poured into molds. As LIQUID. Super cool. My friend Alan works at a refinery, and gave my best friend and I a tour of the place, and we literally watched men in space-like suits pouring unbelievably hot metal into the shapes of deer, fish, human faces and other beautiful shapes. I got to learn the entire process of bronze statue making, from the very first creations to the end. Something so new and so incredible.

Today I learned that keeping it together is sometimes completely impossible. That letting go just happens, sometimes and that keeping it together sometimes doesn't. And that that is absolutely okay.

Today I let somebody go for 2 years that I've had around for all but two years of my life. That was new. And hard. But okay. Because he is happy and going to do what he is supposed to and be successful doing it.

Today I cried in the middle of the day while reading one of my favorite books, ever. Usually it's the late hours of the night when the tears come...but it was then, while in the very middle of Scout and Jem's lives, with the heat of prejudice and summer and vindication, I saw even further into the injustice and unfairness of the world, for so many people. And I cried.

For the first time in my life, today, I was asked by somebody if they could kiss me. After 9 years of longing for that tall, bean-pole boy's affection, he leaned all the way down and showed me, just for the memory, just for a moment. A lovely first. [Also, it was my first time camping with Lauren. And her first time camping, EVER, besides Girl's Camp. We have a lot to do when we get back].

Kissed on the very tippy-top edge of a cliff. And then later, simply sat on a cozy bed and talked to someone who listened and cared so hard I didn't feel I deserved it. I maybe didn't deserve the beautiful and simple stories he shared, either, but am so grateful for them, no matter.

Learned how hard it is to say good-bye to my two best friends, ever. To sit with them, just once more, in a dark room and share the deepest parts in our hearts we've shared for one another, and just be close.


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