vera vera vera

I don't believe in studies.
I do believe in stupid questions.
Introverts can be leaders.
Writing is terrifying. Even when you're a writer. Especially when you're a writer.
It's okay to not love a responsibility.
Some days I don't believe in marriage. Period.
It's not wrong to want aloneness and loneliness.
I don't want that life. Save it for someone who does.
Only the guilty run. And quasi-guilty. And occasionally the once-guilty.
It's okay to cry in a couple of the Twilight movies. Maybe I did. Even if it was only because they made child birth and marriage even more terrifying.
Falling in love happens to people. Sometimes.
People can study communication all their lives and never learn how to truly communicate.
Someone who makes you think is the best kind of someone to have.


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