my loves

I feel like flaunting the things I love most [some of which love me right back] because, well, I think they are wonderful. Which is why I love them. Duh. And I want them to be known for all [though my mom would kill me if she knew I put some of this stuff on the big ol' Internet].

Here are things I love most:

 I had to add a couple of C, he is just...well, beautiful, if I'm being honest.

 Two of T, as well. He is such a dork, but so cute, too.
 My dear Yankees. Yep, I love them. And this is a picture I did take of the stadium, in person.
 This picture represents a few things I love. 1. My mama and dad. 2. New Year's Eve with my family. 3. How much my dad loves my mom. I really see that with this one, because he is cracking her up.
 The Oregon Coast. This is right by where my grandparents live in Lincoln City, and it is absolutely one of the most comfy and lovely places in the world.
My brother, Michael. He won't mind me putting his name on here, he even has his own blog. Even though we are different in so many ways, we will always have a love and understanding for each other that I am so grateful for.
 Disneyland. And at Christmas. A clash of two of my absolute favorite things, ever. 
All of my siblings—Michael, P (who I have not many other pictures of, he doesn't allow much of that), T, and C. This was Christmas in Anaheim, when we spent actual Christmas Day in Disneyland. I love this family.

Boy, am I blessed.


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