lets play some catch-up

I'm pretty behind, especially compared to how I was doing for a while there. So here are some quick catch up points:

  • This last weekend I went with Steph Romney down to Vegas with the Romney/Ryan campaign!! We got a completely paid-for trip, only spent $3 on treats for the bus ride, knocked on doors and talked to people about voting, met some awesome people and just had so much fun. After knocking doors all day Saturday we went back to the room, ordered in some cheap but WAY delicious pizza and cake, ate with our feet hanging in the hottub after a quick workout in the room. Then we both got showers and bed. It was so great. I loved feeling like I was making a difference, I really think that both Mitt and Paul can make a difference in our country.
  • Watched the debate Tuesday night, with Chinese food and Grandma. It was fun, except watching the stupid debate was kind of painful...ugh. I just want this election to be over with. But it will end the way it should. The country just kind of have to trust that the right thing will happen.
  • I had lunch with a friend, and her beautiful baby, last week and she ended up being a huge help when I was an idiot and locked my keys inside the car. Oh boy. My Grandma is also a life-saver. But anyways, it was a delicious dinner and she and her family are fantastic, I'm way too lucky to know them. 
  • I started my mission papers. Yep. Nuts, eh?? I am very excited about it...but also a bit nervous. It will be one of the best experiences of my life. And it will shape me. And is EXACTLY what I need right now. I'm just really going to miss my family, and many of my friends. But it's going to be just amazing.
Well, that's about it for now. Just writing and writing and writing and hanging with Grandma and Kate the cat and writing some more. Occasionally eating and calling my mom and best friend on the phone. That's my life. And it's pretty great.


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