intro to: the Atlantic Wire

Here's a good laugh for the week, courtesy of the Atlantic Wire. Actually, besides the clever humor involved, what caught me in this little excerpt was the kinda cool, interesting thought at the very end. It's about us all being human, all being a little bit different, a little bit not perfect at all. I liked it. Also, a lot of these writers at the Wire are way hilarious. They are always up on a lot of the most random and interesting news. This paragraph came from a section about some not-so-important and funny entertainment and celebrity news. So read it, maybe laugh out loud (I did. In the middle of the news room, no less), give your day a tiny, random, funny lift. What've you got to lose, eh?

"And now speaking of Rihanna and the VMAs, she was caught on camera giving Chris Brown a hug and a pat on the head during the show last night. Yup. Feed that info into your outrage processors and see what comes out. I'm not saying anything kind about Chris Brown here, at this point weighing in on Chris Brown either way is like bringing poop-covered coal to New Castle, but I am saying that people are really weird about what Rihanna should do about this whole situation, and she's not doing what lots of people think she should do, and it is interesting to watch people react to that. Not that one thing is good and the other is bad, just that people are complicated and stories are long and knotty, and the world isn't even a perfect sphere, y'know. It's kind of an oblong, and so are the rest of us, imperfect and crooked, floating through space."


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