an ivory dress, a Mexican family, and a chicken-invested barn

I had a dream the other night. I could take a long time describing everything that happened in it in detail, but I'm not going to. [I'm actually able to focus on work today, so I don't want to throw off my groove].

Long story short: I was thrown into the middle of what was supposed to be my life in about a year. And it was the night before my wedding [don't panic. I'm not planning on being married within the year]. But I didn't know where it was going to happen, how the proposal took place, or who I was marrying. Yes, that is a problem. Hopefully this isn't a mirror of my future.... Anyways, here I am with my high school besties hitting the hottest places for a bachelorette party [i.e. the mall...some rundown store with a water slide thing inside...ya know, the regulars] and they are telling everyone I am getting married. I look down at my hands. I don't even have a ring! Wait, I do. It's pretty. And on my right ring finger. Who knows what is really happening though, right?

Fast forward to the the next morning. I am all ready to go and MAN DO I LOOK GOOD. If I look like that on my in-real-life wedding day, then we are set. I am in a beautiful ivory dress, with beautiful curly hair and flowers and everything. I look great. And I get in the car with my mom and dad and realize 'This is NOT happening. I am NOT doing this. Nope. I'm not.' So, I tell this all to my parents. My dad says 'I will only ask this once—are you sure?' And my answer is a '110% H yes.' We get to the place it's supposed to be at—a lovely, vintage but very old barn, that is COMPLETELY over-run with chickens. We go in to tell everyone it isn't happening. And what do I meet when I get into the main part of the barn [turned chapel inside...]? A very big, very boisterous, very lively Mexican family. They are all wonderfully cheery and happy to see me! (I am marrying their brother, son, friend, cousin, best mate, etc. after all). I start to feel a bit bad as I tell them the wedding is off. But no one is phased. 'Oh that's okay!' 'You look great!' 'You are so sweet, no worries!' I finally meet my almost mother-in-law and she just hugs me and tells me not to apologize, and then finally...I meet my ex-fiance. He is a bit shorter than me, smiley, and not even broken at all. We hug and — this was the most startling part of the entire dream — he squeezes my rear before saying 'Bye babe!' and walks away. And finally I get back to my family and dressing room, and everyone there is completely unphased and happy as if we were just sitting in the living room at home chatting about movies or something. And I'm standing there in a gorgeous dress, looking stupendous, and feeling half triumphant-half confused. That was it. I woke up.

Wow, that wasn't short at all! I just didn't want to forget anything. Pretty crazy, eh? Man I am so not ready to get married. Maybe to look fantastic for a day, but not for that kind of commitment.

On a truly quick side note, my editor today told me he LOVES my lede on the "Students Addicted to Technology" piece I've been writing. I'm pretty cheery now :)

It's a good day to be alive. And not married, in a barn, to a guy I don't know.


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