[really] growing up

I have been surrounded by freshmen all day. Scratch that--all week. Wait, nope, that's wrong too. ALL SUMMER. Love em. But I am freshmen-ed out, 100%.

But here's the thing...I kind of envy them. They are starting their first day of college today with bright eyes, big hopes, and for many of them they have parents and siblings and friends calling them all day to see how their day has been. It's all so fresh and big and new and exhilarating and real and deep. Everything is going to resonate with them this first day, they will soak it all in no matter how boring, they want it all. And when their parents call, they want to talk about their fun social lives, the classes they love or hate already, where they will eat lunch, why they didn't ride their bike, if there is homework assigned yet, what they will do for fun tonight.

Yeah, it's been a while since that happened to me.

Nowadays, I mostly get questions about the "real life stuff" from my parents. Why isn't the car working? Don't you have a real job yet? Always getting good grades? Don't you go to bed when you should? Can't you cost any less? Why don't you spend more time working on getting yourself through college and less time volunteering? You aren't dating more people? You didn't get in a crash again, did you?

Yes. I would love to fix all of things I quite consistently mess up. I'm great at splattering it all on the wall and simply making it worse.

But I can't complain about the stuff they call for. Because they care. I know that. That's why I cost them so much, instead of nothing. Because they put the time in. That's why I have a not-working-ever car. Because they helped me to get it in the first place. That's why they want me to date lots of people, so that they can keep me theirs for a little bit longer. I can't complain. I can appreciate amazing parents.

Sometimes...it just stinks to be grown up.


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