Mandy and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

bad day.

yep. just in general, a bad day. which can be even more evident by my lack of proper grammar and punctuation. Okay, I can't do that any more. It wasn't THAT bad. But it won't be making the top 10 greatest days ever. Not even the top 450.

But really, I know that I made it tough for myself and it wasn't till the end of the day when both April and Tori asked how it had been that I realized it was just a BAD DAY.

It actually started pretty early in the morning when Shane and I were chatting before he left and he called me "Tawnie." Yep. Wanna know who that is?? His high school girlfriend. And when I brought up that he did it today he told me that he almost called me that when I had called over the weekend. Yeah, he has been going through old journals from high school all weekend, so whatever, right?? .....but still. I kind of hate it. So, that was bad.

Next, I was about 20 minutes late to kickboxing. Which I really didn't feel too bad about after I got there because we did a lap of lunges around the ENTIRE BUILDING and then worked our inner thighs hard AND THEN we did three rotations: 3 1-minute wall sits, 3 minutes of ladders and 3 minutes of running stairs. Doesn't sound too bad, right? That's what I thought. For about 20 seconds. Then I was actually doing it. MY LEGS SHOOK THE ENTIRE WALK HOME. Slash, I was sure they would collapse on my the entire time and then I would be lying helpless on the side of the sidewalk as people walked by me and my mushy pile of what use to be legs. They hurt SO BAD. All day I walked like an old woman. Not so awesome.

Copyediting class wasn't too bad. Then I remembered I had no Spanish class, so that was nice. I went to Shane's. That's when I got the news about his old flame. So fun. Then I was grumpy all through lunch. And all I had to eat at his place was a Cheddar Cheese cup of noodles. Woot. Soooooo great. And he was just not putting up with me, so it was just a crappy little bit of Mandy-Shane time. Then I left. P.S. He's getting a hair cut. So I'm probably not even going to be attracted to him when I see him next. That won't be helping at all.

Next, I sat in the Service Center for an hour and a half working on stuff. None of my committee emailed me back AT ALL. So great to be around reliable people. And then I went through my JCOM inbox and realized I had missed the cut-off date to apply to half a million internships I wanted. That's what happens when you stop reading the dang emails they send constantly. It got me all irritated and thinking about how unaccomplished I really am. Ugh. Then my friend Jeremy just acted like he couldn't care less to see me when he came in. I didn't want to talk to anyone anyways. Gosh. I felt like an invisible freak most of the day.

The review I had to go to at 4:30 for my JCOM 2020 class actually ended up being one of the best parts of my day, when I thought it would be the worst. I brushed up on a ton of stuff for our exam and feel prepared and pleased about my knowledge for the class. Next, I talked to dad about Wendy's advertising for Aggie BluePrint and it will probably work out! That was good news. But when I went to the meeting to tell them, the meeting was so unorganized and felt suddenly incredibly self-conscious. What was with that today?? Finally I came out and gave a couple of my ideas and we tweaked them to make them so awesome! I'm excited to work on them--ASUSU election results, and who ARE the people who will be running ASUSU next year? + Crappy roommate stories (a positive way to let out my frustrations and personal feelings....). And Rhett loved my advertising ideas at the end.

I tried calling my brother and mom on the walk home--neither answer. Aw well. I get home. The loaf of bread from my dad is 85% ruined and I have to just throw away. A piece of my chicken is bad, too. UGh. Barely okay chicken and canned corn are the final order of the day. Not so bad. Finished the Sunday paper, found one error for extra credit, and here I am now. Procrastinating an easy little assignment. I need sleep.

Wow, this ended up as a journal entry, for Pete's sake. Speaking of Pete's sake, it is National Pete's Sake day on either this Saturday or Sunday. Can't forget that.

Hopefully I have a better day, for Pete's sake. Or just for mine.


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