the break of a lifetime

I have been trying to take more and more pictures of the things I have been doing, and since I have pretty good documentation of my Thanksgiving break up until this point, I thought I might share what's happened--the good and the crazy.

Look at this gorgeous tree!! We did some great decorating in Shane's apartment. More pictures of that to come.

We made pizza Tuesday night, for a date. It was so delicious. We wanted to really celebrate and have fun to start off our Thanksgiving Break, and we did it well. Jeris brought a girl, Trevor had some friends over, and the pizza was just so delicious! Shane and I are pretty good at concocting some delicious grub, if I do say so myself.

Mmmm....this was my pizza almost all finished. It was so yummy.

And here is the dashing young man that helped me make (and almost completely burn and destroy) or pizzas. He loved and scarfed all of the deliciousness down.

After pizza we played a bunch of games with our gang of friends. It was a lot of fun!! This was when we were playing the Celebrity Guess Game. We also played Boxers or Briefs, Partini, and some improv games. It was a ton of fun.

Came home Wednesday afternoon and what was the first thing that I did?? Got my hair cut! Well, not really cut, just trimmed. Almost 5 inches though!! To me, at least, it is significantly shorter. Here is what it looks like from the back and then the front.

So, Wednesday my parents, Ray, and I decided we wanted to go to dinner and a movie. There was a unanimous vote for Jordan Commons, where we could have dinner while in the movie. However, that plan did not last long, seeing as a certain Mr. BigHorns decided to step, or rather, leap into our way (and our car) on the way up towards Suncrest. Yep, we got in a wreck with a big old buck. Here are the cops cars pulled up behind our semi-wrecked car (he ran into the driver's side bumper--smashed the whole thing, plus part of the door. Car wouldn't even start afterwards. BAD.) as we waited for more cops to take their sweet time "racing" to our aid.

And here is the poor dear that caused all of this raucous. He ended up running over and finishing his great deer life by the side of the road. I really was sad for him. Poor guy. And what a bunch of head gear.

No worries, though. We still got to go see the movie later. Yep, all that trouble to go see this movie. And guess what the best part ended up being?? I saw it with three men between the ages of 23 and 48. Yeah. I'm related to every one of them. And I was the least enthusiastic to see it, out of everyone. Oi.

This is our turkey [uncle S's hand and sharp knife shown at left] right before we ate our Thanksgiving meal. Every bit of the turkey fell away from the main part of the body, like magic. My mom did a magnificent cooking job, if I do say so myself. And this is what was left to cut up. THE TURKEY HAD ABS. Loved it. And it tasted so nummy. All I could picture with every bite was a turkey lifting weights and doing pull-ups. What a stud. I appreciated his hard work.

Here is the photo evidence of our Black Friday excursion. Why yes, we did get back up (or at least I did, nobody else went to sleep beforehand) at 11:30pm to head to Target. THE LINE WAS CRAZY. We waited a while to get in, but by the time we would have, it would have been way too insane. So we skipped on over to Kohls, where I got right in line. We still waited almost an hour and a half to get up there to check-out. But it was worth it--we got some good stuff (as shown in our pile in the picture--we stacked stuff on boxes of things we had and slid them along the floor with our feet as we moved forward). I got 2 cute sweaters for Christmas--the only reason I saw them is because we stood by them for a good 20 minutes, but it gave me time to contemplate which colors I liked. And I got to spend some quality time with my grouchy 12-year-old brother, and my all-too-thrilled-to-save-money-by-spending-it uncle while waiting for dad to get more stuff.
And here was the end of the line!! Hallelujah!! I could not have been more happy to see the check-out stands right there, at a little after 2am. WOOT. And then we were done. It was quite the adventure.

WHAT A THANKSGIVING BREAK. And it isn't even over. We'll see what other fun adventures I find myself on.

I just pray that deer stay out of the way, the rest of my stay home.


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