51 weeks

Yesterday, Ada turned 51 weeks old.

For the first 10 or so weeks of Ada's life, I would go to the edge of her bed at 3:09 a.m. and watch her while thinking about the early morning weeks before when she had come into the world. I was too tired after awhile to keep doing it every week, but sometimes I've still done it to just think about and ponder on and remember that incredible time. It was hard hard HARD HARD, it was exhilarating, painful, suspenseful, LONG, beautiful, life-changing.

On October 6th at 3:09 a.m., Ada had been in the world physically, out of the womb, in my arms, in my grasp for 51 weeks. These have been the most incredible, defining, changing, challenging, beautiful 51 weeks of my life. Even my mission wasn't like this: watching my own skin, bone, blood, life, creation grow and change and develop and learn to move, make noise, eat, understand, laugh, hold books, hold hands, hold our hearts. She changed everything the moment I knew she was growing inside me, but she truly changed life the moment she was out of me, the moment she could really learn and act and become.

She is already more than I ever could have imagined. She is full of not just energy but life, joy, love and everything I could want my child to be. She is a ray of blonde, fair, blue-eyed sunshine and bliss. She is very real and her influence will also be very real. She will make a difference for everyone she ever knows. I know this because she already does. She is beloved of everyone, but will always especially be our most favorite and best creation. Until the next ones, I guess. :)

Ada is 51 weeks, only 1 week away from being alive and well and present in this world for 1 year. She and M are the best parts of my life, and this year has been the best life I've had yet. These have been the most life-altering and magnificent 51 weeks of my life. And I can't wait to see what this 52nd, and every after it, brings to me.


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