life flows from her

One of the things that is always surprising me about mothering little Ada babe is all of the life teeming out of her. In every moment she has it oozing out of every part of her, sometimes bursting out in shrieks and waving arms because she doesn't know how to keep all of the joy of living inside.

It's in moments like so many I observed today.

It's when she is looking at herself in the mirror and adoring the sweet, kind baby she always sees looking back.

It's when she lets me kiss her for 3 minutes straight, then turns to give me some kisses in return.

It's when she touches a bug she finds on the ground, acts surprised and interested, and then shudders and jumps when I jump as if she's just realizing she didn't so much love what just happened.

It's when she looks at the window and smiles and chats away and laughs as if the whole world out there is everything beautiful and wonderful and intriguing about the world.

It's when she does a cheese ball grin to herself then turns to see me and chuckles as if everything is right in theworld for her.

It's when she's puffing out her chest with her might in an attempt to flee her car seat, but then finds something new to play with and talk to and is immersed in a totally different experience. 

It's when she lays on her belly on the floor and moves a toy or lovie or binky around in her hand, studying and learning and literally filling her brain with important information as I watch.

It's when she is crying one moment to be pulled out of her crib and hugging and kissing and smiling all over me the next as I hold her.

It's when she looks down at the books she's reading and touches the pages with tenderness and reads them aloud to herself in her own language.

It's when she splashes and shrieks in the bath tub with her rubber duckies.

It's when she grins and squeals in delight FaceTiming Grandma and Grandpa or her dad, staring at their faces in pure adoration and touching them gently to see if she can feel them there.

It's when she lays her head against me for a brief moment and sighs in satisfaction, or has to come over just to touch me for a moment between periods of play and learning.

It's every moment of her life. Because, she is life.


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