dear life, please slow down

I don't know where the time goes. I'm not sure how days, months, years, MINUTES slip by so quickly. And so slyly. Wasn't I just trying to drag myself through another Stats lecture? Wasn't the clock hardly moving as the teacher taught us how to calculate the average of a probability box?? So where did all of that time go?!?! What is happening?!?! Is my life put on some special channel where time slips by when I am most enjoying things, but slides along like a slug when I am about to keel over from boredom or disdain? Yet, the days go by, the bad and good going with each and every one of them.


So, as I was contemplating the fact that my life is flying past my very eyes, I came up with a few things that I really need to do because they should have been done MONTHS ago. The reason that these things are not done are not that they are technically things that I just don't want to do, it's more like I didn't realize so much time had passed since I was SUPPOSED to do them. So here goes:
  • Write back Michael Peine (pretty sure that I have 3 letters of his stacked and unreplied to. I'm awful, I know.
  • Catch up on my August trips in my journal. Still haven't written about California. Yep. There's no way I'm remembering any details now.
  • Clean out and get rid of that box full of stuff in front of my closet. Yes, it's still there. And still packed with junk that I most likely do not need.
  • Send my brothers their birthday letters. Finished them at least 6 weeks ago. They are just sitting in my drawer. It can't be that hard to do, right??
  • Get back to Ariel about living in Grama's house. I knew so soon after she asked about it, and have I done it? No way.
  • Record all of my balances from my card. At this point who even knows where my money is coming and going.
  • Finish Tori's painting. Yep, her birthday was WEEKS and WEEKS ago. Ugh. Poor girl. I really do have a gift for you!!
  • Fix my iPod. It's so retarded that it holds only my old music. Gah. But I don't have time to worry about that.
  • Loads of other things that I am ignoring or blocking from my mind right now. But I know there are other things.
I just feel like if I died today or tomorrow or even sometime next week. There would be so many untied, incredibly loose ends for my family to take care of. I should really remedy that, eh?

Cause I'm planning on dying real soon....


But sometimes a little disappearance from life would be nice here and there.


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