Fonnesbeck Greenhouse (one of the most beautiful places on earth)

This is one of the cats I met at the Fonnesbeck Greenhouse. He was an awesome model for my pictures, and ended up online next to my article! Yes, it was my first article stuck online for the Hard News Cafe, and it is the article I am the most proud of thus far this year. My teacher really did like it, and was impressed with my pictures too. I will post more above, showing all of this beautiful little place that I found and decided to stop by in Mendon.

I love the little town. I have really tried to become incorporated with it, and it is just fantastic. And this place was no different. It is at the very beginning of town and is so spectacular. Especially for it's humble beginnings. The people are running it are amazing. The link for the article is below, and I would suggest if anybody reading this ever gets the chance to go to Mendon (or you just feel like going) go here! If anything, it is just nice to walk through and enjoy. What a beautiful, peaceful place run by the sweetest, friendliest people ever.

I was so glad that I wrote about it; it turned out to be such a stupendous experience.


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